Signia Hearing Aids

Signia provides a wide selection of prescription hearing aid models, each designed to meet the specific needs of the customer. Different technology levels in these devices determine how many features and how good the sound processing is built into the device. This could have an impact on the price, with higher tech levels costing a premium.

Styletto: Designed with a subtle receiver-in-ear (RIC) for a streamlined appearance.
Silk: Known for being Signia’s tiniest model, it provides an incredibly discrete fit.
Pure: Perfect for daily usage, this product comes in disposable and rechargeable receiver-in-canal (RIC) variants.

Styletto and Pure are two of models that are available in two primary technology platforms:

  • Xperience (X): This platform puts emphasis on audible clarity and sound, especially when moving. It makes it simpler to keep track of conversations and recognize important sounds while moving about, including traffic noises when crossing the street or jogging.
  • Augmented Xperience (AX): This technology separates speech from background noise and acts as an improved version of the X platform. This ensures awareness of various possible distractions that require concentration and improves speech comprehension in busy circumstances.

What we offer

Hearing aids are available in a range of styles, and we offer hearing aids from most of the leading manufacturers.

Signia silk


Silk, a tiny, snug hearing aid, goes unnoticed while offering advanced noise-cancellation technology. Designed for comfort, ease of use, and recharging, it fits seamlessly into your lifestyle and is controllable via a smartphone app.

Power Source:

All-day power and rechargeable battery

Personalized Control:

Suit your unique preferences with a user-friendly app


Near-invisible device that improves your hearing from day one

Signia Styletto


This sleek hearing aid, equipped with advanced technology, is a stylish and distinctive choice. Embrace your style and fully participate in conversations with confidence.

Power Source:

Long-lasting battery

How It Fits:

Receiver-in-ear (RIC)

Conversation Enhancement Technology:

Keep you connected with conversations

Signia Pure


Our new Pure hearing aids’ small size means they sit discreetly behind your ears.

How it Fits:

Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

Streaming and Support:

State-of-the-art Bluetooth connectivity

Power Source:

Long-lasting battery


Silk, a tiny, snug hearing aid, goes unnoticed while offering advanced noise-cancellation technology. Designed for comfort, ease of use, and recharging, it fits seamlessly into your lifestyle and is controllable via a smartphone app.

Power Source:

All-day power and rechargeable battery

Personalized Control:

Suit your unique preferences with a user-friendly app


Near-invisible device that improves your hearing from day one


This sleek hearing aid, equipped with advanced technology, is a stylish and distinctive choice. Embrace your style and fully participate in conversations with confidence.

Power Source:

Long-lasting battery

How It Fits:

Receiver-in-ear (RIC)

Conversation Enhancement Technology:

Keep you connected with conversations


Our new Pure hearing aids’ small size means they sit discreetly behind your ears.

How it Fits:

Receiver-in-canal (RIC)

Streaming and Support:

State-of-the-art Bluetooth connectivity

Power Source:

Long-lasting battery

Hear in three easy steps.

FREE Hearing Testing Available

Every new hearing aid fitting starts with a free comprehensive test of your hearing to determine the best option for you.

FREE Fast & Efficient Repairs

Get your old hearing aids running again with repairs completed free of charge. Bring your current or recently fitted pair in for a reliable repair.

Multiple Brands To Choose From

Athens Hear features the best hearing aids from the Signia and Starkey hearing aid lines. We provide recommendations on usage and accessories, too.

Fast Financing

You shouldn’t compromise on something as vital as your hearing. Luckily, Athens Hearing Aid Factory Outlet carries some of the top financing options available in the state of Georgia. Through our trusted partners, we can develop a cost-effective plan that saves your wallet without sacrificing your health.

Visit our financing options page to learn more about CareCredit, Healthiplan, and Allwell. We can help you pay for out-of-pocket expenses with no interest if you meet minimum monthly payments.

See Your Options

Schedule an Appointment

Explore Your Solutions

To see which hearing aid options are best for you, schedule your appointment at Athens Hearing by calling (706) 888-6921 or clicking here.

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